
Hash Core is now called Hash Kern, the name was changed due to another project called hash core found on the web, next articles will use the new name.


Hash Core was developed to be used in managing different kinds of resources in a mono repository, you can use YAML files to describe your resources and also your environments then use the CLI to build, test, publish, and deploy your resources, it uses the hash of your resource’s code and stores it in a state storage to be able later to determine which resources have changed and which not, it has many features such as global outputs, hash templates, dependency graph, and resource artifacts.

In this article we will learn about hash core features and how can we use them to manage our mono repositories.

Alert: Hash Core is still under active development, some important missing features are on our roadmap.

What is hash core and its use cases?

As described above, has core is used in your mono repositories, it allows you to describe your different services, terraform configs, Kubernetes manifests, docker images, configurations, etc… in YAML files and then you can use the CLI to run actions on them, these actions are build, test, publish, and deploy, you can also define environments for your resources using YAML files and then specify in which environment do you want to run an action, so you can deploy your service to staging or development using the CLI and selecting the right environment which selects the right cluster for you.

Use cases

  • Manage different microservices in your repository and define dependencies between them and with terraform configs that create the required infrastructure to run them, this means that you will guarantee that the infrastructure is created first, and whenever it changes then it is deployed first and then the microservices are deployed.
  • Manage multiple stages of terraform configs in your mono repository, you can define a terraform config to bootstrap your project, another one to create networks, and another one to create Kubernetes clusters and one more to deploy your helm charts using terraform, all of these dependencies can be easily defined in hash core and it will guarantee that they are applied in the right order.
  • Manage multiple docker images that use each other in multi-stage builds, all of this using dependencies, also you can define an image to be used as a base for your microservices and Hash Core will automatically update your microservices once this image is updated,
  • Deploy to multiple environments, environments are treated as resources in Hash Core which can be used as targets for running actions, you can define a development environment which connect to a development Kubernetes cluster and publishes images to a specific docker registry and the same thing for other environments.

Hash core is built to be generic when managing resources, so you can use it in many different ways and create your own resources, in the next section we will learn about its main components.

Hash Core Components

Here we list the main components of Hash Core and describe them.


Resources are at the core of Hash Core, everything is a resource in Hash Core, they are defined using plugins that allow us to easily add more resources to hash core. Even built-in resources are implemented using plugins.

A resource is defined using a class that inherits from BaseResource class in the resources package and it has a method called action which must implement the supported actions for this resource, it must contain the logic for building, testing, publishing, and deploying the resource.

For example, a terraform resource must run terraform plan on build, it might run terraform fmt --check on test, maybe nothing on publish and run terraform apply on deploy.

The return value from the action method is stored in the state as it is, it can be used later in other actions, for example we can store a value in the state when building a resource and then restore this value when testing the resource, this value might be different between versions of the resource, however, Hash Core ensures that the value generated on build for version x is used on test for the same version, the version is considered to be changed when the hash changes.

The return value must be a dictionary, two keys from this dictionary have special meanings, these are:

  • globals The value of globals must be a dictionary, it is saved in state and can be queried later in specs for other resources and also in hash templates, these can be treated as outputs from a resource, for example all defined terraform outputs in a terraform resource are exported as globals which can be used in any other resources, not only in terraform resources, this enables us to link any other resource with any terraform resource and ensure that the other resource will get the new value if terraform output ever changes.

  • artifacts Artifacts are also outputs from resources, but they can be files and they will be stored in the state storage, artifacts can be used in hash templates to link resources together, or can be simply stored in the state backend. Artifacts can also be simple text or a URL for example when publishing a docker image the URL of the published image in the registry is exported as an artifact. Hash core ensures that file artifacts are written to disk before running an action, which means if you run build on resource x and generate an artifact then if someone else or the CI runs test on this resource the artifact’s file will be available with the same name and path as when it was generated by the build, so you don’t have to worry about checking if the artifact’s file exists and also you don’t need to generate it twice on different machines.

State storage

When running an action on a resource, its output along with the resource’s hash is stored in state, the state storage backends are implemented using plugins that allow us to store state in different storage backends such as local disks, GCP buckets, digital ocean spaces, etc…

Currently, we have plugins for local disk, GCP buckets, and digital ocean spaces. However, we still need to test the cloud storage solutions for performance.

A new state storage backend must implement some methods so it can be used in Hash Core, it must also register itself as a plugin.

Hash Templates

Hash Templates is a feature that allows you to dynamically include code in your resources based on artifacts or outputs generated by other resources, it allows you to add new features to already existing tools that will probably never be implemented, for example you can read terraform outputs directly into your Kubernetes manifests in Kustomize, you can read image URLs from other docker image resources in your Dockerfiles or your kustomize manifests, these features will probably never be added to Kustomize.

Here is a good use case:

Let’s say you use external secrets operator to sync secrets from GCP to your clusters, and you create some secrets using terraform configurations, you want to make sure that the external secret resource is only created when you create the secret in terraform and you want to use the right name for the secret, you can define the secret’s name as an output of terraform resource then add a hash template to your Kustomize resource and use that output in Kustomize this adds a dependency from Kustomize to your resource.

A template is created by adding the .hash extension to the end of the file’s name, those templates are valid Jinja2 templates, inside them, you can access artifacts and globals using the artifacts function and globals object, which are rendered by Hash Core always before executing the action, and removed after the action was executed, they are also always included when calculating the hash even if you use a different match list for hash calculation.

More features and functions will become available for hash templates to use in the future, which make them a powerful tool in Hash Core, they have the disadvantage that you cannot use your normal tools easily with hash templates as the rendered files don’t exist yet, but there will be commands added to the CLI so you can render the templates to see the files and use your tools without Hash Core.

Environments and targets

An environment is a special kind of resource, it does nothing when you build, test, publish, and deploy it, but it can be used when running an action on a resource to provide the action with some targets to run some actions.

Every time Hash Core wants to run an action on a resource in an environment, it will always first deploy the environment resource, which probably includes deploying other resources which are defined as dependencies in the environment’s targets, but what is a target?

To understand targets let’s try to talk about two actions on some resources.

The publish action of a docker image requires a docker registry to push the image to it, this registry cannot be defined in every resource on its own, this will be a lot of work and repetition.

The deploy action of a Kustomize resource requires a k8s cluster to deploy to it, the same thing is true here we cannot define access creds for this cluster on every Kustomize resource.

These two actions publish a docker image and deploy a Kustomize resource, need information from the environment to be run, you probably want to deploy to the same registry in all environments, but probably want to deploy to different clusters per environment, here come the targets.

A target is defined by an environment’s resource, it is used by some actions in some resources so these actions can be executed, two common targets are DockerRegistry which can be used to publish an image to a docker registry and K8STarget which can be used to deploy to a Kubernetes cluster, these targets are used by the resources which need them, if we try to deploy a Kustomize resource to an environment that doesn’t have a K8STarget, then the deploy will fail with a proper error message.

Notable Hash Core features

Here we will list some of the most important hash features which will help you in managing your mono repositories

Mutate resource specs using environments

When you deploy your resources to multiple environments, you want to have different values for their specs based on the selected environment.

If you have a terraform resource, you can use the variables key in the specs to give the resource different values for its variables and these values need to be different for every environment, to achieve this the terraform resource is configured to only read the variables from its specs and not from anywhere else, but to give it different values you can ask Hash Core to mutate the value for the resource’s specs based on the selected environment, this can be done using these keys in the environment’s specs

        gke_name: dev
        node_count: 3

This means that whenever we want to run any action on the resource with kind Terraform and name gke in this environment, the variables in the resource’s specs will be set to the values that we have here, and this happens automatically and in memory only, so the action method in the resource can simply read the values and it will find the right values always.

If we used Terraform only in the key, then this mutation will be applied to all resources with the kind Terraform in this environment.

Override actions

You can override how an action is run on a resource’s instance by using <action_name>_command or <action_name>_script in its specs, so when you execute the action on this resource hash core will execute this command or script instead, you can also define pre- and post-actions for a single resource’s instance using these keys pre_<action_name>_command, pre_<action_name>_script, post_<action_name>_command, and post_<action_name>_script, a command takes precedence over a script if they are both defined.

When these commands or scripts are executed, you have access to these environment variables:

  • R_NAME It contains the name of the resource.
  • R_PARENT It contains the ID of the parent resource (Kind:Name). not used now
  • R_PARENT_NAME It contains the name of the parent resource. not used now
  • R_ENV It contains the name of the environment where the action is being executed.
  • R_ACTION It contains the current name of the action being executed.
  • R_SPEC_{X} this defines a group of environment variables for every spec element, for example, if you have a spec called ‘x’ with a value of ‘abc’ it will create an environment variable called R_SPEC_X with a value of ‘abc’

Define dependencies between resources

Your resources probably cannot live alone, they depend on other resources to be built, tested, published, or maybe deployed in order, so you can run actions on them, if you use terraform to manage your infrastructure then you probably have one config to create networks and another one to create the clusters in these networks, to express dependencies between these two resources you can either use hash templates in your second resource to read the output from the network resource that contains the network’s ID, but sometimes dependencies cannot be expressed like this in templates, and you need to add them explicitly using depends_on in the metadata of a resource, the depends_on is a list of objects, where each object has this structure:

id: Terraform:network
action1: build
action2: deploy

This means that to run action1 (build) on the current resource, you need first to run action2 (deploy) on the resource with ID Terraform:network.

If either action1 or action2 are missing then they default to the current action being run.

Read resource outputs in specs

When writing the specs for your resources, you can read outputs from other resources to be used in the spec’s value, this adds a dependency from this resource to another resource.

This is needed especially when writing targets for environments, look at this target definition

- kind: DockerRegistryTarget
      name: docker
        registry_url: $Terraform:shared-gcp-tf.deploy.registry_url.value
        service_account: $Terraform:shared-gcp-tf.deploy.repo_writer_email.value

In the values for registry_url and service_account, we’re using outputs from other resources as can be seen from the $ sign, the first one means, to read the output called registry_url which results from running action deploy on a resource with ID Terraform:shared-gcp-tf, we’re taking the .value of the output because terraform outputs are objects and .value contains the actual output’s value, this is the same format when you use terraform outputs -json command.

Whenever we want to publish a DockerImage resource to this environment, then this env is always deployed first which depends on deploying the Terraform:shared-gcp-tf resource, this ensures always that the Docker Registry is created first and we have the right URL and value for service_account used for authentication, if we ever change the name of the registry which changes the registry_url output then all new docker images will be pushed to this new registry.


This was my introduction to Hash Core, this project is still in a testing phase, and I’ll try to improve its features, add new ones and test it for bugs and performance, you can find demos for using Hash Core in this repository.

More articles will be published about Hash Core in the next few months, I’m looking forward to your feedback and opinions, you can always raise an issue here.

I hope you find the content useful for any comments or questions you can contact me on my email address

Stay tuned for more tutorials. :) :)