
According to Digital Ocean website there are only two official API clients the first one is written in go and can be found here and the other one is written in ruby and can be found here, however for python there are only three libraries as can be seen here, and none of these libraries is complete and supports all kinds of Digital Ocean resources, so I decided to work on my own Digital Ocean client using python and build it to be easily extensible to support all existing Digital Ocean resources and easily add support to new resources as they are added.

What will we do?

In this article you will:

  • Learn about my motivation to create the python client and its overall structure.
  • Learn how to add new resources to the library easily.
  • Manage some Digital Ocean resources using the library.

Library structure

I wanted to create this library for the following reasons:

  • Learn about Digital Ocean API and how it can be used to manage Digital Ocean resources, this will help me understand Digital Ocean infrastructure and use this understanding in my own projects.
  • The available Python libraries for Digital Ocean API are limited in their scope and support.
  • Apply my knowledge in Python using a real project, this will help me to improve my Python and software skills.

There are modules for each Digital Ocean resource type, one for droplets, another for images, ssh keys, sizes, regions etc…

The most important modules in the library are:

  • common module which contains a function that is used when processing response from Digital Ocean, it takes dictionary keys and convert their values to objects if applicable, it also contains a class that can be used with the json builtin module to serialize objects and save them to a file.

  • auth module, this one has the Auth class which holds authentication information used to access the API and the base URL.

  • resource module, this is the most important module, it contains the Resource class that is the parent class to all Digital Ocean resources in this library, most of the logic happens in this class and thanks to its design we can easily add new resources to the API and support them. We will talk a little bit about this class because it is very important.

This class has two required attributes, the first is called resource and it holds the class object of a class that inherits from Resource, and the second is called auth, it hold authentication information.

To clarify the previous line look at this code:

class Resource(object):
  def __init__(self, resource):
    self.resource = resource

class Droplet(Resource):
  def __init__(self):

In the constructor of class Droplet we pass the class itself to the constructor of its parent class that is Resource, and here we save this class in an instance attribute called resource, this means that this object now manages a Droplet, it will use special class attributes found in Droplet to do the management, we will talk more about them later.

The auth attribute can be set using the authenticate method of the library, this method takes the access token as an argument, if no token is provided it tries to use the value for the DO_TOKEN environment variable and if it is not found then it raises an exception.

auth is a class attribute shared by all objects, where resource is an instance attribute, specific to a single object.

This class also has methods to make GET, POST, PUT and DELETE HTTP requests, it also has methods to return a list of resource instances, create new instances and also list actions for them.

It has a json method that returns a JSON representation of the object.

Python Magic Methods

In this library I used two python magic methods to make using (consuming) it and also developing the library super easy, first let us learn about Python magic methods.

Python magic methods are like normal python methods but they are not called directly by python developers, they are called automatically called by the Python interpreter behind the scenes when specific conditions are met or in specific situations, for example the __init__ magic method is called when a new object of a class is created, it is used to initialize object attributes with values.

Here is a small list of python magic methods:

  • __eq__: This method is called when we compare two objects using == operator.
  • __ne__: This method is called when we compare two objects using != operator.
  • __getitem__: This one is called when we try to use an index on the object like this: x[2]
  • __del__: This method is called when we delete the object: del x
  • __call__: This method is called when we try to call the object as a function: x().

There are many more magic methods, you can learn more about them here.

Now back to my library, in this library I used two particular magic methods to help me make the library easier to use and develop.

These two methods are: __getattribute__ and __setattr__.


This method is called every time we try to access an attribute of an object like this obj.x this calls obj.__getattribute__("x") behind the scenes, I used this to allow the library to fetch from Digital Ocean API behind the scenes without the user explicitly calling an API endpoint or even using a method that will call the API endpoint.

This means that when we try to access an attribute of an object that represents a Digital Ocean resource, the library first makes sure if the attribute’s value was fetched previously from the API or not, then it makes the decision to make an API call and return the result or return it immediately, of course the library fetches the entire resource from Digital Ocean and not only the attribute requested.

Here is the code for __getattribute__ method in Resource class

    if attr == "resource":
        return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
    resource = object.__getattribute__(self, "resource")
    static_attrs = resource._static_attrs
    dynamic_attrs = resource._dynamic_attrs
    fetch_attrs = resource._fetch_attrs
    action_attrs = resource._action_attrs
    if attr in static_attrs or attr in dynamic_attrs or attr in fetch_attrs:
        return self.__fetch(attr)
    if attr in action_attrs:
        return lambda **kwargs : self.action(type=attr, **kwargs)
    return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)

Before I describe what this code does, I will give you a warning so you do not make my mistake again, when implementing the __getattribute__ method for your own class you could easily fall in an infinite loop that will hit your recursion limit and cause your code to fail, because every time you try to access an attribute of your object inside the __getattribute__ method, the method will be called again, so pay attention and use the object class, this one is the parent of all python objects, here is an example of using it and how it will solve our recursion limit issue.

Look at this code and compare these two lines:

print(object.__getattribute__(obj, "x"))

These two lines will print the same result, notice that x in the second line is passed as a string.

The first line calls the __getattribute__ on obj and returns the result, however the second one calls the __getattribute__ on object, and passes to it the obj object with the name of attribute as a string, so here the __getattribute__ of obj is not called, with this way we can avoid calling __getattribute__ again when implementing the method in our classes.

Now let us get back to the code.

The first three lines make sure we can easily get the value of resource attribute, this is very important because the rest of the code depends on it.

Remember that the value of resource attribute is a class that inherits from our Resource class.

The next four lines get values for four class attributes of resource these are _fetch_attrs, _static_attrs, _dynamic_attrs and _action_attrs.

What are these lists?

  • _fetch_attrs: This list contains names of Digital Ocean attributes for this resource that can be used to fetch new instances of the resource, for example we can fetch a droplet by its ID, we can fetch an image by its slug or ID, we can fetch a Floating IP by its IP value and so on, when these attributes change value then we need to fetch the object again from Digital Ocean, more on this later.
  • _static_attrs: This list contain names of Digital Ocean attributes that are set automatically by Digital Ocean and cannot be changed directly, for example: timestamps, we cannot change these.
  • _dynamic_attrs: This list contains names of Digital Ocean attributes that can be used when creating a new instance of a resource or updated for a resource.
  • _action_attrs: This list contains names of actions that can be called on the object, some Digital Ocean resources have actions associated with them, these are written here and called when requested as we will see shortly.

Now after these lists are ready we have two if statements, the first one checks if the requested attribute is in one of these lists _fetch_attrs, _static_attrs or _dynamic_attrs we return the value of calling the method __fetch with the attribute’s name as a parameter, this method first checks if we previously fetched this resource using __fetched attribute, if yes then it just returns the value of the attribute and if not it calls the API request to fetch the resource from Digital Ocean, it checks whether we have an attribute that changed previously or not, and fetch based on its new value, if no attribute was changed the ID of the resource is used, the name of ID attribute is stored in _id_attr attribute.

The second if statement is used for actions, it returns a lambda function that accepts any number of key word arguments and then calls the action method using the right value for action type and all the used key word arguments.

Lastly if the attribute is not within any of these lists, its value is just returned with help from object, this could throw an error.


The __setattr__ method is called when we set a value for an attribute, like in the following code:

obj.x = 2

This translates to

obj.__setattr__("x", 2)

Which sets the value of 2 to the attribute called "x".

Here is the code for __setattr__ method in class Resource

    if attr == "resource":
        object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
    resource = object.__getattribute__(self, "resource")
    static_attrs = resource._static_attrs
    dynamic_attrs = resource._dynamic_attrs
    fetch_attrs = resource._fetch_attrs
    if attr in fetch_attrs:
        self.__dict__["__changed"] = attr
        self.__dict__["__fetched"] = False
    if attr in static_attrs:
    self.__dict__[attr] = value

First we process the case when we set the resource attribute, then we get the value for this attribute and use it later.

We also store values for _static_attrs, _fetch_attrs and _dynamic_attrs in local lists, then we do two checks.

If the attribute is in _fetch_attrs list we set __fetched to False, and set __changed to the attribute name, these two attributes help the __fetch method to check if the resource was fetched or not or if an attribute value was changed since the last time we fetched it.

We also note that if the value for the attribute is in _static_attrs list we simply return without doing anything to prevent users from changing values of static attributes, these values are set by Digital Ocean and cannot be changed at all or directly.

With these two magic methods we are able to write classes for Digital Ocean resources easily by filling values for the previous lists and also some other attributes that we will discover in the next section.

The structure of classes that represent Digital Ocean resources

As we stated previously, each Digital Ocean resource has a class that inherits from the class Resource and defines values for some attributes, which helps the Resource class to manage the resource in Digital Ocean.

As an example we will use the class that represents Digital Ocean droplets, check the partial code for this class bellow

class Droplet(Resource):
    _url = "droplets"
    _plural = "droplets"
    _single = "droplet"
    _fetch_attrs = ["id", "name"]
    _static_attrs = ["memory", "vcpus", "disk", "locked", "created_at", "status", "backup_ids", "snapshot_ids", "features", "region", "image", "size", "size_slug", "networks", "kernel", "next_backup_window", "volume_ids"]
    _dynamic_attrs = ["name", "region", "size", "image", "ssh_keys", "backups", "ipv6", "private_networking", "user_data", "monitoring", "volumes", "tags"]
    _action_attrs = ["enable_backups", "disable_backups", "power_cycle", "reboot", "shutdown", "power_off", "power_on", "restore", "password_reset", "resize", "rebuild", "rename", "change_kernel", "enable_ipv6", "enable_private_networking", "snapshot"]
    _delete_attr = "id"
    _update_attr = ""
    _action_attr = "id"
    _id_attr = "id"
    _resource_type = "droplet"
    def __init__(self, data=None):
        if data is not None:
            self._update({self._single: data})
    def list(cls, **kwargs):
        droplets = super().list(**kwargs)
        return [cls(x) for x in droplets]

With these 21 lines of code, my droplet class is functional, and can be used to list, create, update and delete droplets and also call of their actions, the real Droplet class has some extra methods which are specific for a droplet and are not shared with other Digital Ocean resources such as listSnapshots to list all droplet snapshots, getPublicIP to get the public IP v4 of the droplet and many more.

Let us look at the class attributes that start with _ in this class:

  • _url: This tells the URL that is used when accessing droplet data in Digital Ocean.
  • _single: This is the dictionary key used in Digital Ocean response when fetching a single droplet.
  • _plural: This is the dictionary key used in Digital Ocean response when fetching multiple droplets.
  • _fetch_attrs, _static_attrs, _dynamic_attrs, _action_attrs were described previously.
  • _delete_attr: The name of attribute used when sending a DELETE request to Digital Ocean, the value of this attribute is added to the end of the url.
  • _update_attr: The name of attribute used when sending a PUT request to Digital Ocean, the value of this attribute is added to the end of the url.
  • _action_attr: The name of attribute used when calling an action, the value of this attribute is added to the end of the url.
  • _id_attr: The name of the attribute used as an ID for the resource.
  • _resource_type: The type of resource as a string, this value is used with tags.

The constructor here calls the parent constructor and passes to it the Droplet class, the list method here calls the list method in parent class and then convert the dictionaries returned to Droplet objects.

How to use the library

To install the library use this command

pip3 install

I will only show how to create and list droplets here, for more tutorials and complete API reference follow this link.

First you need to get an access token to be able to access the API, open this url in your browser and create a new access token, save the value somewhere safe because you cannot see it later then execute this command on terminal

export DO_TOKEN=<access_token>

This command stores the access token in an environment variable to make this variable available all the time add the command to your ~/.bashrc file.

  import dopyapi as do
  droplets = do.Droplet.list()
  for droplet in droplets:
  droplet_data = {
      "name": "d1",
      "image": do.images.ubuntu,
      "size": do.sizes.tiny,
      "region": "ams3",
      "ssh_keys": do.SSHKey.list()
  droplet = do.Droplet()
  print(f"droplet with id {} was created at {droplet.created_at}.")

In the previous code we first import the dopyapi library and rename it to do, actually I was using the name do in early stage development but I found it could not be suitable for a library name so I am used to call the library just do.

The function do.authenticate() put authentication information in the class Resource, here it takes the token from the environment variable, because we did not pass the value as a parameter.

We are using the classmethod list to retrieve a list of all droplets and print them.

After that we prepare the values for required attributes when creating a new droplet, these are the name of droplet, its image, its size and region, we also provide a value for ssh_keys which is optional but we use it here, we are adding all of our SSH keys to the droplet.

Notice we used some constants defined in the images and sizes modules, these help us to use images and sizes without memorizing their actual names.

After that we create a new object of droplet class, then call create on it, this will make an API request to create the droplet, after that we use getPublicIP to print the IP address for the droplet, this method will wait until the droplet is ready then return.

Lastly we try to print the droplet’s ID and the time of droplet creation.


In this article I presented my own work on a Python library to access Digital Ocean API, it can be used in your own projects if you need to integrate Digital Ocean services in your applications, I will work to improve this library and add support to all Digital Ocean resources before the final public release of the library.

Please try using it and report any issues here, I will happily work to solve your issues.

For full documentation check here

I hope you find the content useful for any comments or questions you can contact me on my email address

Stay tuned for more articles. :) :)