
Modern applications usually use the microservices architecture to create multiple loosely coupled services that communicate with each other using well defined APIs, this archiecture is best implemented using Docker containers created and managed in Kubernetes Clusters, using Kubernetes gives us the ability to deploy these services using multiple Kubernetes deployments and communicate with each other.

Istio comes to play as a service mesh which manages and secures all the communications between services, it can also be used for monitoring, routing requests to services based on URLs, headers, etc… Istio is an important addition to Kubernetes cluster to help you in connecting all your services together and securing the communication between them.

What will we do?

In this tutorial we will:

  • Install terraform.
  • Create a Digital Ocean Kubernetes Cluster using terraform.
  • Install helm and download the istio helm charts.
  • Use terraform to install istio helm charts in Kubernetes Cluster.


Modern infrastructure is managed using Infrastructure as Code Tools, terraform is one of the most famous tools in this domain, it can be used to describe any kind of infrastructure using scripts and then it will modify your existing infrastructure to match the state defined in terraform.

You can install terraform from this page accorsing to your OS.

If you are running Linux use these commands

sudo install -m 755 terraform /usr/local/bin
rm terraform

To make sure terraform is installed use this command

terraform version

It will print the version of terraform

Terraform v0.14.8

Digital Ocean Kubernetes Cluster

Digital Ocean offers a managed Kubernetes service called DOKS, with this service you can create a Kubernetes cluster very easily without going into the effort of creating your own, here we will use terraform to create the cluster.

We will now create multiple terraform scripts, the first one is called

terraform {
  required_providers {
    digitalocean = {
        source = "digitalocean/digitalocean"
        version = "2.7.0"
provider "digitalocean" {

In the first block we define the required providers for our setup, we only need Digital Ocean provider here, second we specify the configuration for the provider, the configuration is left empty to use doctl command line configuration.

To authenticate using doctl use this command

doctl auth init

The second script will be in a file called, this will create the kubernetes cluster for us:

resource "digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster" "my_cluster" {
  name = "my-cluster"
  region = "fra1"
  version = "1.18.14-do.0"

  node_pool {
      name = "my-pool"
      size = "s-2vcpu-4gb"
      node_count = 4

Here we are using digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster resource to create a DOKS called my-cluster with version 1.18.14-do.0 in the frankfurt data center, witha node pool of size 4 called my-pool, it has nodes of size s-2vcpu-4gb which are standard size nodes with 2 vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM.

After we have defined the configuration we can apply it, but first we must initalize terraform with this command

terraform init

This will download the terraform provider to a directory called .terraform, now we are ready to apply the resources we defined using this command

terraform apply

Terraform will prmpt you to type yes to continue, go ahead :)

Wait until the cluster is ready.

Once the cluster is ready you can find it in Digital Ocean control panel here

Now after the cluster is ready we will install helm and use terraform to install istio helm chart in the cluster.


Helm is simply the package manager for Kubernetes, it can be used to install applications in kubernetes clusters, we can use it to install complex apps rather than managing these apps directly using kubernetes manifests, we use helm to generate all the required manifests for us and apply them, helm can also be used to manage and upgrade these apps on demand.

Follow instructions here to install it based on your OS.

if you are using Linux use these commands

tar zxf helm-v3.5.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo install -m 755 linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin
rm -rf linux-amd64 helm-v3.5.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz

Now we need to configure the helm and kubernetes providers, which are used to install helm charts in the cluster, add these lines to

provider "helm" {
  kubernetes {
    host = digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.my_cluster.endpoint
    token = digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.my_cluster.kube_config[0].token
    cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.my_cluster.kube_config[0].cluster_ca_certificate)
provider "kubernetes" {
    host = digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.my_cluster.endpoint
    token = digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.my_cluster.kube_config[0].token
    cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.my_cluster.kube_config[0].cluster_ca_certificate)

Here we are telling terraform to use helm provider and connect to our kubernetes cluster.

Before we start installing istio with helm in terraform, we need to create the istio-system namespace, add these lines to, which create the new kubernetes namespace.

resource "kubernetes_namespace" "istio_system" {
  metadata {
    name = "istio-system"

Now we need to download istio release using this command

curl -L | ISTIO_VERSION=1.9.2 sh -

This installs istio version 1.9.2 to a directory called istio-1.9.2 it contains the helm charts used to install istio.

Create a new script called to be used for installing istio

resource "helm_release" "istio_base" {
  name  = "istio-base"
  chart = "istio-1.9.2/manifests/charts/base"

  timeout = 120
  cleanup_on_fail = true
  force_update    = true
  namespace       = "istio-system"

  depends_on = [digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.my_cluster, kubernetes_namespace.istio_system]

resource "helm_release" "istiod" {
  name  = "istiod"
  chart = "istio-1.9.2/manifests/charts/istio-control/istio-discovery"

  timeout = 120
  cleanup_on_fail = true
  force_update    = true
  namespace       = "istio-system"

  depends_on = [digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.my_cluster, kubernetes_namespace.istio_system, helm_release.istio_base]

resource "helm_release" "istio_ingress" {
  name  = "istio-ingress"
  chart = "istio-1.9.2/manifests/charts/gateways/istio-ingress"

  timeout = 120
  cleanup_on_fail = true
  force_update    = true
  namespace       = "istio-system"

  depends_on = [digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.my_cluster, kubernetes_namespace.istio_system, helm_release.istiod]

resource "helm_release" "istio_egress" {
  name  = "istio-egress"
  chart = "istio-1.9.2/manifests/charts/gateways/istio-egress"

  timeout = 120
  cleanup_on_fail = true
  force_update    = true
  namespace       = "istio-system"

  depends_on = [digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.my_cluster, kubernetes_namespace.istio_system, helm_release.istiod]

Here we are creating 4 helm releases for Istio:

  • The first one is called istio_base, this one install the CRDs needed by istio to run.
  • The second one is called istiod, this one installs istio daemon, which includes many services including pilot, citadel and others …
  • The third and fourth ones are istio-ingress and istio-eggress which create istio-ingressgateway and istio-egressgateway services that control traffic comming inside the mesh or leaving it.

Note the depends_on attributes, these define explicit dependenies between the helm charts, istiod depends on istio_base to work, so it can create its own objects based on CRDs created in istio-base and istio-ingress and istio-egress depend on istiod to work.

Now we are ready to apply terraform again but first we must re-call init because we added new providers

terraform init
terraform apply

Wait for it to finish.

To check if the helm chart was installed you can connect to the cluster first using this command

doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save <Cluster UUID>

You can find the UUID in yot cluster page, as shown bellow

Use this command to check the status of the helm release

helm ls -n istio-system

You will get an output similar to this

NAME         	NAMESPACE   	REVISION	UPDATED                                 	STATUS  	CHART                	APP VERSION
istio-base   	istio-system	1       	2021-04-10 00:56:02.308467724 +0200 CEST	deployed	base-1.9.2
istio-egress 	istio-system	1       	2021-04-10 00:56:21.904767659 +0200 CEST	deployed	istio-egress-1.9.2
istio-ingress	istio-system	1       	2021-04-10 00:56:21.904966242 +0200 CEST	deployed  istio-ingress-1.9.2
istiod       	istio-system	1       	2021-04-10 00:56:05.393867071 +0200 CEST	deployed	istio-discovery-1.9.2

Where you can find all the four helm charts you just installed.


In this long tutorial we learned how to install Istio in a Digital Ocean Kubernets cluster using helm and terraform, in the next tutorial we will explore what Istio is and how it can be used to create a simple microservice.

I hope you find the content useful for any comments or questions you can contact me on my email address

Stay tuned for more tutorials. :) :)